Backyard Renovation Pricing

How Much $$$ Can Be Saved?
Backyard Renovation Pricing

Backyard Flare is dedicated to helping our customers.  We want you to have as much information as possible before you step into a backyard addition.  We want you to understand backyard renovation pricing.  One question I get quite often from inquisitive DIYers is how much money can be saved by not using a contractor to build an outdoor fireplace.  With this question, there is no “one” answer and the savings, albeit a guarantee, cannot be exactly quantified.  There are costs that will be a surety, such as labor, but each contractor bills a little bit different.  There is no exact savings amount, other than saying a lot, unless you have an itemized quote from a contractor that you then compare to what you will spend.

Now let’s break this down a step further.  Most contractors do an excellent job and I believe you will get your fireplace built if you choose to go the route of a contractor to get it done.  I can’t step on the back-breaking work that they perform day in and day out.  It’s a tiring business for sure and they definitely deserve a pat on the back and some kudos.

Backyard Renovation Pricing

Having said that, you may be wondering about how contractors bill for jobs.  If you have elicited the work of a contractor for anything in the past, you will notice that some will give you a written estimate and others will come over and throw a monetary figure at you after looking at the building area for a few minutes.

A written estimate is better for you, provided it is broken down into independent materials and labor costs.  This will tell you roughly what they think the materials will cost with their slight mark up.  Most contractors will make a few dollars on materials as well, with the understanding that they had to go load them, deliver them, and then unload them at your worksite.  It’s a lot of work so it’s an okay upcharge, I guess.

Tactics and More Tactics

The contractors that throw out a price with no explanation of materials and labor make me smile.  These contractors are betting that you will jump at the offer and that you won’t throw up any objection.  Long and short, they don’t want you to know the breakdown of the profit they are making. It’s okay to haggle and negotiate too.  Remember, this is your backyard, and they will be working for you.  You dictate whether they leave each day with trash all over the place and you will be watching them while they finish the build.

These two quotation methods from contractors drastically differ but both are widely used.  Some that don’t write the job estimate are good at what they do and will provide a breakdown if asked to.  Just remember that you will probably be a bit shocked at how much contractors will charge for labor. It will make up the majority of the quote.  It’s a good living for company owners, believe me on that one.

So What Do You Do?

So, you have an option.  Either go with a contractor or elect to try to build the fireplace with your own two hands.  This is where the music is queued, and we emerge at the top of a hill with a DIY construction plan.  We swoop down to your backyard and hand it to you, and then we stand off to the side, waiting for questions while you build.  The trailer for the movie seems so awesome, but deep down we know that the movie will probably never be made. I guess we’ll stick to creating the construction plans and to our design work.

We Think DIY is the Best Build Decision

Enough already… we have more explanation to get back to.  When you build yourself, the labor that contractors charge won’t be an issue. There won’t be a subtraction from your bank account for labor as you’ll be the labor force behind the entire build.  This shouldn’t scare you either.  We have had a lot of customers who have done amazing at building their own fireplaces and they have never worked with mortar or block.

DIY Pima II Outdoor Fireplace with Stucco Mantel Firewood l
Jason’s DIY Pima II outdoor fireplace is built and ready to go.

One such customer, Jason, sent us pictures of his DIY Pima II outdoor fireplace to share.  After sharing them on our Instagram page, we asked him some pricing questions about his DIY build.  Jason replied, “I got quotes for $7k-$9k to build this exact plan and I built it for $1,600-$1,800.  Two easy weekends with my dad.  It was super easy with your step by step guide.  I’m a banker by trade so I’ve never done concrete block work ever.”

We’re so happy that Jason had a great experience and that’s an amazing savings of at least $5,200.  That’s a lot of money still in Jason’s bank account and the best part is it sounds like he really had a good time with his dad while building the fireplace.  Backyard renovation pricing wasn’t a big deal to Jason because he opted to save the money and pay sweat equity instead.

We’re Here to Help

DIY Pima II Outdoor Fireplace with Stucco Mantel Firewood and Lighting
Jason’s DIY Pima II outdoor fireplace is so inviting with a gorgeous fire.

Think about that when you contemplate your options.  Building your own DIY outdoor fireplace doesn’t have to be stressful or worrisome.  We have what you need to walk you through the process of a DIY outdoor fireplace.  Visit us at for great design ideas and information.  We can help you with a great layout and will work with you personally to ensure you have the information you need to comfortably move forward in the DIY construction world.  Build with one of our DIY construction plans and let us worry about the logistics of the design.  You simply have fun and marvel at what your hard work.  Thank you so much for reading and as always… happy building.


DIY Outdoor Fireplace Update – Tucson

Our DIY Fireplace Customers Rock!

Backyard Flare DIY fireplace customers are everywhere.  We don’t just cater to the Tucson, Arizona area for our customer base.  Our amazing customers are in warm, cool, and even frigid areas.    In fact, they are all over the country and even abroad.

Cold is Upon Us

But, the cold weather is here and the country in a lot of places is already under a blanket of white.  Oh my gosh, and it’s only just November, so there are a few months of cold left.  Because of the weather, a good portion of the U.S. is unable to build in their backyards.  There is no possibility of digging into the frozen rock-hard ground for the concrete slab foundation.  There is no way to add water to mortar to lay blocks because it would be so unbearable to work with icy hands in that environment.  You get the point.  Some of you will have to wait, sorry.

It is great that we have a customer right down the street from Backyard Flare headquarters.  Rob in Tucson found Backyard Flare online and contacted us for help building his outdoor DIY fireplace.  When Rob realized we were right down the street, he asked for design help.  I spoke with Rob and he introduced me to his backyard.  He wanted a corner fireplace with gas and together we brainstormed some cool outdoor fireplace layouts.  Rob decided to use the Douglas Mini design and morph it a bit to match his and his wife’s vision.

And the Process BEGAN

diy outdoor fireplace douglas mini propane gas lighting cinderblock fire mountain arizona
Rob’s DIY fireplace is visible from the driveway.

Rob started with his DIY fireplace and he had a lot of questions.  All in all, he has done a fantastic job and I have visited his work site a few times to check in with him.  As a husband, father of two small tykes, and a professional from Monday through Friday, Rob doesn’t have a lot of time during the week to work.  He has spent the weekends building and has rocked the progress.  It has taken him a couple months, but he can see that completion is close.

DIY Rob is Doing Great

diy outdoor fireplace douglas mini propane gas lighting cinderblock fire mountain arizona
Dusk has arrived and the fireplace is lit.

I went to see Rob’s DIY fireplace the other day again and it looks great.  Rob is ready for firebrick, horizontal material, and his veneer.  At that point he will be done.  We hope you love it as much as we do with the gas setup, arched firebox, and the LED lighting he added.  He told us he has never built with mortar and was skeptical as to his abilities, but he was happy he did it.  He learned a lot and he realized that he was a lot more capable than he thought, especially with his construction plan from Backyard Flare.

diy outdoor fireplace douglas mini propane gas lighting cinderblock fire mountain arizona
The DIY fireplace is burning bright. The LED lighting is on adding that special look.

We will continue to bring you photos of his progress and we will definitely feature Rob and his finished fireplace in an upcoming blog post.  If you think you are ready to step into a DIY outdoor fireplace build, like Rob, and are ready to transform your backyard, visit Backyard Flare and we can help.  We know that you can do it, and, just like Rob, you just need a DIY construction plan to follow.

We Are Here For You Too

If you have any questions about anything, please let me know.  I am always excited to hear from a fellow DIYer, or someone wanting to learn more about how to beautify their backyard space with a DIY fireplace.  I can be reached at and as I always say, “Happy Building”.



Baby It’s Cold Outside… In Some Places, Outdoor Fireplace Time

DIY outdoor fireplace snow pima trees
Gotta dig a path to enjoy a fire!

Hey all you DIYer’s, are you looking forward to Christmas and the colder temps?  We sure are down here in Arizona.  We know we’re a bit spoiled though with the highs in the 60s still.  So much of the country is getting blanketed in snow and ice already, which makes us cringe at the thought of power losses and snow shoveling.  We came from that sort of weather so we know what some of you are experiencing.  You’ll get through it though, we’re confident of that.  Enter the DIY outdoor fireplace and outdoor kitchen possibility.  These are great Christmas ideas.

Douglas DIY outdoor fireplace snow pine patio backyard
Is this snow blanket going to keep the fireplace warm?

Your Christmas Ideas Wish List?

Christmas and the season of giving always brings about the challenges of traffic, shopping, and figuring out what to tell your loved ones to buy for you.  This year, when you sit on Santa’s lap at the mall, tell him you want to build your own DIY outdoor fireplace or outdoor kitchen.  He’ll know what to do.

Pima DIY outdoor fireplace fire christmas decorate wreath vase
What a warm feeling we get from this fireplace. Crackling fire and warm toes.

Santa will go online and he’ll visit for great outdoor fireplace and outdoor kitchen design ideas.  He’ll pick out the perfect design for your backyard and he’ll surprise you with your very own DIY construction plan.  You’ll be able to get started on your backyard renovation.

Douglas DIY outdoor fireplace fire Adirondack log wreath patio backyard
Anyone care for a blanket and a beverage?

If you are not planning on sitting on Santa’s lap, just tell that special someone in your life that you want a DIY outdoor fireplace or outdoor kitchen in your backyard.  Tell them about Backyard Flare and that they are the only place to go for DIY construction plans.  What a gift for someone you love or to yourself for that matter!  Christmas ideas are everywhere but most don’t last a lifetime like an outdoor fireplace or outdoor kitchen will.

DIY outdoor fireplace fire wreath christmas light flower vase candle
How welcoming is this fireplace? They are so pretty when they are decorated for the holidays.

Call Us

And did we say that you can always call and talk to Dan from Backyard Flare for FREE?  Yep, he loves to talk “masonry” and “backyards”.  He spends time each day talking with homeowners about design ideas for their outdoor space, and he helps them manage their masonry fears.

Thanks for making Backyard Flare the one stop shop for the best DIY outdoor fireplace and kitchen construction plans.  It’s DIYer’s like you that make us feel special.  Have a great Thanksgiving and a wonderful Christmas.

We hope to hear from you and as always… happy building.


DIY Outdoor Fireplace Review – Georgia

Georgia On My Mind

Welcome back my fellow DIY’ers and welcome to this edition of, “That Awesome DIY Fireplace” where we introduce a DIY homeowner, tell you what state they reside in, and show you how awesome they were at building their own outdoor fireplace.  This one is awesome to say the least.

DIY outdoor fireplace veneer fire construction plan
John’s completed DIY Outdoor Fireplace in GA

Who is Our Contestant?

Let’s go to the southeast, beautiful Georgia to be precise, to introduce homeowner John.  John had a bare space out his backdoor that needed a little sprucing up.  After checking out the construction plans at, John decided to build the Pima II outdoor fireplace, and he purchased the plans.

Getting Started

concrete diy slab foundation outdoor fireplace
Getting ready to pour a concrete slab for the outdoor fireplace.

John had to clear a grassy area to get ready for the footprint slab to be poured.  Once he mapped out the positioning of the fireplace, John excavated the area and did his ground prep.  John built a wooden frame and added gravel and steel beneath the concrete.  After pouring the concrete, he removed the wood, and he had his footprint slab ready for some mortar and block to be stacked.



concrete slab diy backyard grass wood
Concrete slab is ready for cinder block.

John spent the next few days building the cinder block structure, following the construction plans to a tee.  John paid attention to detail with the mortar gaps and even though he hadn’t done much block work, he built beautifully.





cinderblock concrete slab backyard grass diy outdoor fireplace
First row of cinder blocks are down.








cinderblock concrete slab diy outdoor fireplace grass backyard
Firebox was established for John’s DIY outdoor fireplace.

When John was getting the cinder block structure finished he began thinking about his finish material.  John added his firebrick to the inside of the firebox without mortar gaps between them.  He took the recommendation of Backyard Flare and used high heat construction adhesive to adhere the firebrick to the firebox walls.

DIY outdoor fireplace backyard patio veneer construction cement mixer hearth chimney grass fence firebrick cornerstone
The work site was super busy with lots going on. Veneer was like a jigsaw puzzle, finding the perfect piece for each spot.

Finishing the DIY Fireplace

DIY outdoor fireplace planter grass fence mulch chimney hearth fire grate firewood backyard
John finished with his fireplace and he cleaned up the work site. Anticipation for the first fire!

John picked out a great veneer with a dark tone.  The chimney and hearth portions were covered first, with the keystone added just above the firebox, centered.  The seating material was adhered to the top of the hearth with matching grout, before the center section of the fireplace was covered with veneer.  The mantel was stuccoed for texture and the top of the chimney was adorned with a very cool cap stone.

Adding the Small Touches

DIY outdoor fireplace veneer backyard patio mulch chimney hearth flagstone grass trees
John added veneer to the whole structure giving it a really nice 360 degree look. It looks amazing from all angles.

Dark colored mulch was spread all the way around the fireplace and up to the edge of the very green grass.  Two planters were added to the sides of the structure, which will probably have great looking flowers in them someday.




DIY outdoor fireplace mulch backyard grass fire grate planter veneer flagstone chimney
John’s first fire in his DIY outdoor fireplace. He is so proud that he did it himself.
DIY outdoor fireplace veneer fire construction plan
John’s completed DIY Outdoor Fireplace in GA

John bought a very decorative fire grate and added a few logs to it in anticipation of his first burn.  Oh, and what a beautiful sight it was when John started his first blaze.  He was so excited to share these pictures because he wanted to show off his DIY labor and show that it was possible to build it yourself.

Want to Build A Fireplace of Your Own?

We sure hope you like John’s fireplace and that it inspires you to think about one of these fireplaces in your backyard as well.  It’s really not out of reach to achieve a stunning outdoor living space.  John believes that if he can do it, anyone can do it.  If you have the DIY mindset, we can help you achieve greatness.  We have assisted hundreds of homeowners who are weekend DIY’ers, realize their potential to build fireplaces just like John’s, so you can do it too.  Visit Backyard Flare to learn more so you can begin your journey too.

Thanks so much for reading about another great DIY fireplace build.   We’ll bring you more soon, and as always …happy building.

DIY Outdoor Fireplace Review (2) – AZ

Let’s Take a Trip to Visit a Gorgeous Outdoor Gas Fireplace

Hello all you DIY’ers and welcome to this edition of, “That Awesome DIY Fireplace” where we introduce a DIY homeowner, tell you what state they reside in, and show you how awesome they were at building their own outdoor fireplace.  We’re going to see a stunning outdoor gas fireplace in this article.

Introducing Our DIY Homeowner

We venture down the street and across the tracks from Backyard Flare headquarters to introduce homeowner Jim, who wanted a short in stature outdoor gas fireplace. Jim specifically wanted to burn natural gas.  Jim was restricted to natural gas and a short finished height by his homeowner’s association due to his home’s location on the golf course.  Jim’s backyard was on the 12th tee so there is quite a view.

Jim contacted Dan at Backyard Flare and explained his fireplace design and restrictions.  No sweat at all for the Backyard Flare team.  Dan did a couple site visits to Jim’s backyard and they came up with a plan of action. Dan was contracted to build the fireplace, but Jim was able to save a bit of money because he helped Dan through the process …and Jim learned a lot, very quickly.  It’s always a blast when homeowners can help because they learn and have a great sense of accomplishment.

Getting the Area Prepped

After the fireplace location and width was determined, a diamond blade was used to cut through the existing flagstone patio.  This area was excavated and framed for the concrete slab with rebar inside the pour.  An inexpensive Harbor Freight cement mixer was used which made this job relatively quick for two people.

saw cut flagstone concrete pad
Patio flagstone was cut to make way for the concrete slab.
wheelbarrow used to dump concrete slab rebar
Dan is using a wheelbarrow to dump concrete into the wood form for the concrete slab.






Once the concrete cured for a couple days, Dan and Jim started laying block in a running bond (staggered) pattern.

cinder block fireplace mortar DIY outdoor fireplace
The running bond pattern was used to build the structure.
diy outdoor fireplace with arched lintels
The firebox and storage voids were built with arched lintels made from concrete.






The firebox in the middle was sandwiched between two wood storage voids on either side.  An electrical line was routed through the blocks to install a 110v outlet. This outlet was used to plug in a power transformer for the structure and backyard ground low voltage lighting.

diy outdoor gas fireplace with stucco
The fireplace was covered in a stucco finish prior to the stone veneer being applied.
level measuring tape flagstone cutting with a diamond blade
A level was used as a straight edge to mark the cuts on the flagstone.

Lot’s of Finishing Options Were Added

When the structure block work was completed, firebrick was added to the inside of the firebox.

diy outdoor gas fireplace with flagstone and stucco golf course arizona
The flagstone was added to all horizontal surfaces of the fireplace.

The natural gas line was plumbed up the backside of the structure and a shutoff valve was added inline before it was installed into the back wall of the firebox.  This gas line stubbed out a few inches inside the lower right corner of the firebox.  Gas tubing was added to an H pipe and a few test burns were done before anything was solidified.



The wire for the structure lighting was routed to the front of the hearth and to the inside of the storage voids, figuring out where each light would be located.  The front face of the structure was adorned with a beautiful stacked stone, which was mortared in place.  The remainder of the structure was covered in a smooth coat troweled stucco, which was later painted.

Natural Stone Added So Much

The horizontal surfaces were covered in a gorgeous light tan flagstone which Dan and Jim cut with a chisel method for a rougher edge.  This was a bit time consuming and much slower than a saw cut front edge, but completely worth it in the end.

diy outdoor gas fireplace stacked stone golf course arizona
The finished fireplace sure makes a statement in this backyard.

With the leftover flagstone, Jim extended the flagstone patio to the far-right side of the structure and filled the joints with matching mortar.  After it was pressure washed, you can’t even tell where the old flagstone patio and the new came together. Totally amazing.

A vertical piece of flagstone was added to the front of the firebox after it was chiseled to resemble a mountain range in Jim’s home state of Colorado.  This piece of stone helped contain the local river rock that was added to the top of the H pipe.  This rock completely hid the pipe, making it look as if the flames “originated” from the rocks.

Tying the Structure to the House Decor

For continuity in the backyard, the fireplace stucco was painted to match the house.  New outdoor furniture was added to the patio and many nights have been spent eating, drinking, partying, and relaxing in the backyard.  So many golfers stopped to see the fireplace and to offer kind words, complementing Jim on his design.

With the ambiance of the lighting in the voids and quick start of the natural gas in the firebox, Jim and his wife have been able to say, “hey want to have a fire?”, and enjoy it in a matter of seconds.  Easy on and easy off is what Jim wanted and it turned out great.

diy outdoor gas fireplace stacked stone golf course arizona
This backyard was transformed with this fireplace overlooking the gorgeous golf course.

You Ready to Build One?

We sure hope you like it too, so let us know how this DIY fireplace inspired you?  Are you ready to build your masterpiece like Jim did?  Even though this outdoor gas fireplace included natural gas, low voltage lighting, and chiseled flagstone, it can all be done by you too.  If you have the DIY mindset, we can help you achieve greatness.  We have assisted hundreds of homeowners who are weekend DIY’ers, realize their potential to build fireplaces just like Jim’s.  You can do it too. Visit Backyard Flare for more information and DIY construction plans.

Thanks so much for reading about another great DIY outdoor gas fireplace build.   We’ll bring you more soon, and as always …happy building.

DIY Outdoor Fireplace Review – IL

Fireplace Review Time

Hello all you DIY’ers and welcome to this edition of, “That Awesome DIY Fireplace” where we introduce a DIY homeowner, tell you what state they reside in, and show you how awesome they were at building their own outdoor fireplace.

Who is Our DIY Builder?

We venture to Illinois to introduce homeowner Mario, who decided to build the Douglas Mini design.  Mario reached out to Backyard Flare and ordered his DIY construction plan.

Douglas Mini DIY outdoor fireplace
Mario started with the footprint on his concrete slab.

Mario’s backyard has a great looking grassy area with a brick patio.  The corner of the patio needed a new addition though, so an outdoor fireplace was the obvious choice.   Mario started building his fireplace as per the construction plan and got to the top of the firebox lintel.

Modification Time

Mario elected to make some modifications to the chimney portion of the build to give the top an angled look.

Douglas Mini outdoor DIY fireplace angled chimney
Metal framework was added to create the angled chimney.

To achieve these angles, Mario used metal stud for the framework, using small self-tapping screws to tie the metal sections together.  It’s very important to make sure the angles are the same on each side.





Douglas Mini DIY outdoor fireplace with metal angled chimney
The metal framework was symmetrical on the front and back.

Finishing the Fireplace

Mario finished his fireplace with a beautiful stone veneer and natural stone horizontal surfaces.  The firebox was finished in a red firebrick, providing a cool look.  Mario bought a metal fire grate and it looks like a perfectly cut piece of aspen pine is laying there ready for a good burn.

The brick patio was laid back down to the front of the hearth, giving it an almost seamless look.  If you look closely, the angles of the chimney match the door on the shed behind it.  I really think Mario did this on purpose to tie the backyard together.  It really works, and we love it.

Douglas Mini DIY outdoor fireplaces backyard
Great Douglas Mini design outdoor fireplace built by a homeowner using a construction plan from Backyard Flare.

Are You Ready to Build?  Now is a Great Time

How has this DIY fireplace inspired you?  Are you ready to build your masterpiece like Mario did?  Backyard Flare can help you with any worries or concerns of the masonry word, and even with design help.  We have assisted hundreds of homeowners who are weekend DIY’ers, and we can help you realize your potential to build a fireplace just like Mario’s.  You can do it too.

Check back on our blog page periodically and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for additional photographs and information.  We love to share great pictures and we really enjoy bragging about our customers, so we hope to hear from you.

Thanks so much for reading about another great DIY fireplace build.   We’ll bring you more soon, and as always …happy building.

Dan Heston

DIY Outdoor Fireplace Review – AZ

DIY Outdoor Fireplace Review

Hello all you DIY’ers and welcome to this edition of, “That Awesome DIY Fireplace” where we introduce a DIY homeowner, tell you what state they reside in, and show you how awesome they were at building their own outdoor fireplace.  They do it all by themselves with a little help from us here at Backyard Flare.

Let’s Go Down to Arizona

We venture not far from Backyard Flare headquarters in Arizona to introduce homeowner Jason.  A DIY guy who decided to build the popular Pima II fireplace design using the proven Backyard Flare outdoor fireplace construction plan.

Pima II outdoor fireplace stucco tile
Gorgeous Pima II outdoor fireplace built by Jason in AZ.

Jason has the traditional landscape rock in his yard as most of us do in southern Arizona.  A stunning tile patio was built with a perimeter tile of the same type.  The Pima II fireplace is built on a 45 degree angle to the patio.  The fireplace measuring just wider than eight feet is a perfect addition to this space and with wrap-around seating, lots of horizontal surface is available.

To keep continuity, Jason used the same tile for the patio to wrap up the hearth of the outdoor fireplace.  This tile then extends to the horizontal seating surface, which gives it a great finished and well thought-out look.  Jason added electrical line for low voltage lighting in the hearth, giving the fireplace a subtle look at night even when it’s not being used.  This outdoor fireplace is backyard furniture for sure, providing a great focal point.

Stucco Is a Cost Saving Veneer Choice

For the main vertical firebox and chimney sections, Jason elected to use stucco as the finish material.  In Arizona, as with many other states, this matches the home’s exterior, which also keeps the theme going throughout.  With the texture and darker earth tone paint, it blends really nice with the natural desert landscape seen behind Jason’s block wall.  The horizontal sections of the chimney and the top were covered with matching tile, which was saw cut with a diamond blade.  Super simple by the way.

Pima II outdoor fireplace with lights and fire
When the sun goes to sleep, the lights come on and the fire burns. how beautiful.

Jason wanted to add some pop, so he finished the front of his outdoor fireplace with a gorgeous piece of distressed wood for his mantel.  Wanting to match other elements, Jason used metal brackets underneath the wood.  These metal brackets match the metal fireplace tool set and the metal fire grate in the firebox.  Jason got ready and stacked a pile of pine in the firebox, ready for a great nighttime burn.  I’m sure the neighbors stare out their back doors at the glow from the chimney and they smell the sweet smell of burning pine.

Help is Available

How has this outdoor fireplace inspired you?  Are you ready to build your masterpiece like Jason did and transition your backyard space?  Backyard Flare can help you with any worries or concerns of the masonry world, and even with design help.  We have assisted hundreds of homeowners who are weekend DIY’ers, realize their potential to build outdoor fireplaces just like Jason’s, and you can do it too.

Thanks so much for reading about another great DIY outdoor fireplace build.   We’ll bring you more soon, and as always …happy building.

Dan Heston

DIY Outdoor Fireplace Built for Cheap


DIY outdoor fireplace
Gorgeous light colored veneer and lighting make this a very cool DIY fireplace.

If you’ve gotten as far as thinking you want an outdoor backyard fireplace, then the next obvious thought should be on the construction method.  To lay it out as simply as possible, either you build it yourself or a contractor builds it for you.  And I’m not talking about a prefabricated fireplace where you stack a few pieces and have a fire an hour later.  I’m talking about a permanent cinderblock structure with all the amenities such as seating, shelving, lighting, veneer, firewood storage, etc…  Frankly a DIY outdoor fireplace can be built for cheap.


Realistic Contractor Concerns

DIY douglas outdoor fireplace decor
Great DIY corner designed fireplace all decorated and ready for a party.

When you elect to have someone else build your fireplace, you will pay for two specific things.  They are materials and labor, the latter of which will be most of your cost.  Is it easier to have someone else sweat while lifting block and splattering mortar?  Absolutely, but you must then step back and look at the alternative.  You!  Have you given much thought to building your own fireplace?  If the answer is no or even maybe, let me give you some things to mull over.  Just one of them may sway you or the entire list may persuade you that a DIY project may be the way to go.

First off, let’s look at the project as a whole.  Building on a large scale with construction plans can be very enjoyable and rewarding.  Think of it as stepping out on a new adventure with a lot of the guesswork taken out because of the plans you hold in your hand.

Some of us have a small perfectionist attitude making it difficult to sit back and watch someone build something for us, knowing we would do it differently.  I want to build to my taste; with my ideas in mind.  Contractors, many times, provide building crews that are only interested in getting done in order to move on to the next project.  In the end, it’s all about cash flow.  Do they care about the final look of something they may never see again, but that you will have to look at everyday for quite some time?  Maybe, however, I prefer complete control of my projects and how they’re built. That’s why I love DIY and that’s why I always try to persuade others to jump on the DIY train.  It’s a fun train.

It may seem small, but you also need to consider whether you will want contractor building crews in your backyard all day for the duration of your project.  They always seem to show up too early or not at all.  Then there’s the problem with the mess that is always left each day.

Think About a DIY Project

Pima DIY outdoor fireplace LG Green Egg kitchen grill
DIY Pima II fireplace with a great outdoor kitchen attached.

When you build yourself, you control the pace of the project.  Some DIY warriors can complete a fireplace project in as few as 9-10 days while still holding down a job.  Others will spend a few weeks to construct their fireplace working only a couple hours here and there.  When you build, it’s up to you how you structure your timeline.

If the previous reasons haven’t convinced you to build your own fireplace then think about the money you could save by not soliciting the services of a contractor.  As mentioned before, most of your cost with a contractor will be for labor.  It is estimated that you can take the total cost of your materials and multiply it by 5-6 to give you an approximate labor cost.  With this example, if you were to spend a total of $1,000 for materials, then the labor could cost as much as $5,000-$6,000, for a grand total of $6,000-$7,000 for a completed fireplace.  That’s expensive!

Not only are you paying for labor, but at times the contractor will make money on materials too. In other words, they will charge you more for each block than what it will cost for you to go to your own home improvement store to buy them.  You’ll only know that though if they provide you with an itemized list of materials and labor broken down.

Nothing is set in stone with how fireplaces have to be built, or even how much you have to pay.  The truth is, however, that you will save money if you step out on faith and build your own outdoor fireplace.  Think about how you’ll feel when you finish your own DIY outdoor fireplace project, knowing that you could have spent so much more.

Look No Further Than Backyard Flare

If you’re looking for assistance in the form of DIY outdoor fireplace construction plans, please visit Backyard Flare, LLC at  We have many fireplace designs that we’re sure would look great in your outdoor living space.  We would love the opportunity to work with you to make your backyard the talk of the neighborhood.  We’ll give you the knowledge needed and be there for you along the way.  Thank you for reading and we hope to hear from you.

As we always say …happy building.

Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook, as we have lots of cool DIY outdoor fireplace photos and videos added almost every day.  Contact Dan with any questions.

Dan Heston
Backyard Flare, LLC
Tucson, Arizona

DIY Fireplace Reviews – FL and UT

It Started in Florida

Let’s talk about two beautiful DIY fireplaces built by the same people, years apart, in two different states.  These fireplaces transformed their backyards into such welcoming areas.  But first, let’s meet our player

outdoor fireplace pizza oven DIY
Combo fireplace and pizza oven DIY

s.  Husband and wife team, Marko and Kelly, were customers of Backyard Flare years ago and they built a stunning DIY outdoor fireplace and pizza oven combo when they lived in sunny Florida.  They used a Backyard Flare construction plan and the backyard was positively changed forever.  The structure drew lots of accolades from Backyard Flare followers and it was definitely a beautiful, one of a kind, fireplace.  It’s easy to see why so many people were raving about it.  It was so different than most.

DIY outdoor fireplace pizza oven
The red color on the oven adds so much to this design.

I have seen lots of pizza ovens and most are earth tone colors.  Marko and Kelly decided that a bold and deep reddish color would look great on their oven instead of keeping it like everyone else’s ovens.  I have to say, I was impressed with the color choice. It worked so well with the surrounding area and it brought a pop of color not seen anywhere else in their yard.  Coupled with the dark tones of the accent tile and the light color stucco, it was a hit.  I’m sure it made a huge impact in the sale of their home, bringing in more money on the sale, than they would have had with a plain Jane backyard.

And then They Moved

Now fast forward a few years, with Marko and Kelly relocated to the great state of Utah.  They bought a new home and needed to bring the backyard up to a standard they were used to.  The new fireplace structure, although smaller than the Florida fireplace, is no less impressive.

Utah outdoor fireplace diy pergola
Utah backyard with DIY fireplace and pergola

The fireplace sports a square topped firebox and an equally wide firewood storage void under the hearth.  Natural stone is on the horizontal surfaces, including the top of the fireplace.  Keeping with the earth tone feel, Marko and Kelly added a wood mantel and a beautiful faux stone veneer.

outdoor fireplace diy wood mantel storage
This fireplace sports a wood mantel and a firewood storage void.

It’s not just the fireplace that brings the total feel to the backyard.  The natural flagstone table in front of the fireplace draws the earth tones to the patio. A huge pergola with a large outdoor table is the perfect place to have an outdoor dinner or just a place to sit and really relax. The white picket fence in the background with the bold green grass, adds contrast to the whole picture.  The large boulder wall behind the fireplace and the slight hill with natural vegetation adds to the rustic look as compared to the veneer on the fireplace.  The bold color on the pots to the sides of the fireplace make the structure appear to be wider than it is.

DIY outdoor fireplace fire
In action with a raging fire.

This is such a beautiful fireplace and I am sure this backyard will create lots of great memories.  Great job Marko and Kelly.  We are sure you will continue to enjoy your backyard paradise and we hope you will continue to share your fireplace with us.

Kudos Go Out

Special thanks to Marko and Kelly for sharing these great photos with us and allowing us to share them with the world. Also, thank you to all our faithful readers out there and to those who just found us.  We can help you with your outdoor fireplace dream.  Visit our website at for some great inspiration and fireplace ideas.

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Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for lots of cool info and fun pics and video.  Thanks for reading and as I always say…happy building.


Five Ways to Make a Beautiful Backyard

Five Ways to Make a Beautiful Backyard

There are so many ways to make a beautiful backyard and so many different things to make it a ‘one of a kind’.  If a backyard was just a standard layout and everyone did the same thing, where would the fun be?  For as long as people have been living in houses, they have strived to create outdoor living spaces full of functionality and beauty.  Backyard popularity and the drive to create the perfect outdoor space has always been there, and I feel the things to build, construct, and add are more abundant now than ever.  So many options and so little time.  Here is Backyard Flare’s list of ‘Five Ways to Make a Beautiful Backyard’.

Outdoor Fireplace

Outdoor fireplace beautiful backyard
Outdoor fireplace with flagstone seating and stone veneer.

First and foremost, we love outdoor fireplaces and bang for your buck, they are amazing.  They seem to be the one thing outdoors that will bring you a massive return on your investment.  What you may spend a few hundred dollars on could gain thousands in return at time of sale.  Outdoor fireplaces are our bread and butter and it’s what we think about day and night.  We are always talking to DIY homeowners about different layout possibilities and available building footprints.  It seems like people are building fireplaces in spaces small and large.  Even places that seem to not work for a fireplace, people seem to build in.

Now, you don’t have to build a massive structure to have it be the focal point.  If you position your fireplace in a way that the flame is visible from inside your house, it becomes a very cool feature in that you can build a fire for ambiance.  It’s so peaceful to have a fire crackling and you don’t even have to be sitting next to it to enjoy it.

Outdoor Kitchen

Outdoor kitchen beautiful backyard
Outdoor kitchen with drop in grill and access doors.

Holy cow, who doesn’t like to grill?  I don’t know anyone right off the top of my head.  Most homeowners will have a small Weber grill or a cheap standalone grill on their back patio.  Over time, it will probably be in a state of rust and full of cobwebs.  It’s probably because the backyard wasn’t welcoming.  It wasn’t a place where the homeowners wanted to spend their time.  Ah, but build a nice outdoor kitchen and it becomes a destination… a “cooking” destination.

beautiful backyard
Outdoor kitchen with black granite countertop.

Adding an outdoor kitchen, can be as simple as encasing your existing standalone grill, with countertop to the sides.  More extravagant structures may have a raised bar area with stools, a refrigerator, a sink, or even a pizza oven added.  The possibilities are endless and will de

pend on how much room you have to work with.  The layout could be rectangular, built like an “L” shape, or even a “U” shape.  Drop in grills can be purchased for reasonable costs if you look around enough, and you can opt for propane or natural gas.  Building a sunken pit into your structure could even accommodate the use of charcoal, which in our opinion tastes wonderful.

Outdoor Lighting

beautiful backyard
Lighting adds a great look to any fireplace

Spend some time looking into your backyard at night and think about where you would add low voltage lighting.  Adding a transformer and some perimeter lights in the yard can add a lot of character.  Upward lighting on trees and bushes can add visual depth that all but fades away at night.

Outdoor lighting fireplace beautiful backyard
Lighting along the front of a fireplace hearth.

If you add the lighting to a structure such as a fireplace or outdoor kitchen, you will bring those structures to a focal point.  Many homeowners will incorporate lighting throughout their entire yard and through structures, having it illuminate all at the same time.  This is a really elegant look.

Lighting outdoor kitchen beautiful backyard
Lighting brings out the beauty at night on the outdoor kitchen.

Potted Plants

Potted plant beautiful backyard
Colorful flowers in a white potted and textured pot.

The right pot or three with colorful flowering plants puts the finishing touch on many backyards.  The flowers provide a visual pop of color not usually found anywhere else in a backyard.  With colorful pots or textured pots, you can add lots of cool looks.  Change the flowers each season for different colors or type of plants.  If you add a drip line into the pot, you’ll be able to minimize the maintenance time and possibly forgetting to water the plants.  They don’t tend to live very long if they don’t get water.

Shaded Seating

Adirondack chair beautiful backyard
Comfy Adirondack chairs begging for usage.

Last on our short list for a beautiful backyard but not even close to being the least important, add some shaded seating to your outdoor space.  On cool mornings, I will grab a cup of coffee and sit in my Adirondack chair with my feet propped up.  This chair lives under my patio cover, adding lots of protection from sun fading.  When I want to venture out from the confines of the patio cover, I can relax in one of my teal colored padded chairs.  The rectangular shaped glass table sports a teal colored umbrella providing great sun protection for most of the day.

Outdoor chair beautiful backyard
Teal padded chairs and umbrella around glass table.

Just adding a few different places to sit comfortably in your backyard will offer the look of a welcoming area.

Over time, with these few things added or built in your backyard, you will have transformed your outdoor space and you will hopefully have a beautiful backyard that begs for usage.  Lots of usage.  And who knows, maybe you’ll add all five recommendations, completely renovating it to the envy of all your neighbors.

If you have any questions about any of the suggestions, or if you want to build an outdoor kitchen and/or outdoor fireplace, visit  We’ll help you with your project and provide you with a very comprehensive DIY construction plan.  Most if not all the guesswork will be gone.