DIY homeowner built outdoor fireplace with storage voids and mounted TV.
With so many people wanting to spruce up their backyards, why not build an outdoor fireplace? Backyard Flare specializes in helping our clients, DIY homeowners just like you, with an easy and comprehensive method of building. We do this with our DIY outdoor fireplace construction plans. Every picture in this article is an example of fireplaces built entirely by DIY homeowners who used Backyard Flare DIY outdoor fireplace construction plans.
DIY homeowner built, poolside corner fireplace under a patio cover with a TV
So much goes into the planning and design of an outdoor fireplace, so trying to figure it out and hoping it functions at the end is not the way to proceed. There are lots of great designs and themes and we are confident we have designed one that would look great in your backyard. We have helped thousands of homeowners with their outdoor fireplace construction plans, and they have made us proud with the results they have achieved.
How much can you really save?
You will have fun while building and at the same time, you’ll be adding huge monetary value to your home. If you could build an outdoor fireplace in your backyard for $1,000 but get an additional $5k-$10k fo ryour home when you sell it why wouldn’t you do it? We have heard from many customers that their DIY outdoor fireplace was the reason their house sold. That makes us feel pretty good.
DIY outdoor fireplace and grill structure being built by a homeowner
The only two additional things not covered in our outdoor fireplace construction plans are directions on how to pour the foundation and what to cover the outside of the structure with. There are too many variables to the thickness of your foundation and we don’t want to dictate what the final structure will look like. That’s the fun part, figuring out a great veneer.
How’d We Do?
So, we hope you have been inspired to build your own DIY outdoor fireplace and that our construction plans will be used to guide you through the build process. We know they will not lead you astray. Let us know if you have any questions about our designs or the build process. Check out for more info and inspiration.
As we always say here at Backyard Flare, LLC, happy building.
Dan Heston Backyard Flare, LLC Tucson, Arizona 520-269-9740
I was working on a custom fireplace design and DIY construction plan for a customer the other day. We had just spoken about her fireplace structure. She had asked me questions, one of which was “should I use a chimney flue”? I explained my experience with a chimney flue and the construction method of our designs, answering all her follow up questions. She was eager to learn which made me very happy. When we finished our conversation, the phone rang again, and I answered it.
On the other end of the phone was a man who wanted to build a DIY outdoor fireplace in his backyard. Would you believe he had the exact same question concerning the use of a chimney flue. I spoke with him for a while and answered all his questions. When I hung up, I really started to think back. There were lots phone calls and emails that hit on the specific topic of a chimney flue in our outdoor fireplaces.
Here We Go!
I thought that this same topic would be a good one for my next blog post because the interest is obviously out there. Now let me get started by saying that if you have ten masons in a room and you give them the same picture and dimensions of a fireplace, then say, “Go build it”, it will be built ten different ways. No two structures would be alike. Now I must continue with this and say that all ten fireplaces could very well be functional fireplaces and just because they are all built different doesn’t mean any of them are wrong. They’re just different. We are just one of those masons and ours is simply a different method of building and to some, a different train of thought. The use of a chimney flue is not wrong at all, but we know they aren’t necessary if the structure is built the way we build.
This is a DIY outdoor fireplace built using our plans without a chimney flue.
This is not to say that you absolutely can’t use a chimney flue with our designs, we just know that they aren’t always necessary. A lot of masons build using these clay pipes. Some are square, some are rectangle, and some are round. Some are 12” long and some are three feet long and there are several diameters too. First, I need to go back a bit and explain what a chimney flue is used for. It is literally the tube that lines a chimney and lots of people think they are a necessity.
We Design Without a Chimney Flue
You may be thinking, “how do I not need a flue to direct the smoke”. Our designs are constructed with the interior chimney dimensions being formed by block. In essence, our chimneys designs are all squares and rectangles. There are no round edges or round entryways to our chimney openings so square and rectangle blocks dictate the way everything is formed.
Even our fireplace with no chimney functions well.
Backyard Flare fireplace designs incorporate a large throat chimney, so the inside of the chimney does not get super-hot. Our cinder block fireplace designs have been heat tested and they are hotter in the Arizona summer than in the winter months with a fire burning. I can literally stand up on my fireplace after a fire has been burning for 15-20 minutes and stick my hand inside the chimney opening. I can hold my bare hand against the inside of the chimney from the top and it is warm, but not so hot that it is unbearable. This is the reason we can say that the inside of our chimneys aren’t even as hot as it is on a sunny Arizona day.
This is Backyard Flare’s first ever fireplace built in 2007. No chimney flue was used and it still works great with no breakdown of the chimney blocks.
Lots of people will say you need to build your chimney with a clay flue for purposes of heat, thus keeping the heat off the cinder block. I say, if your chimney opening is big enough, not restricting the smoke and heat, you don’t need a chimney flue. You can open a chimney up pretty big and not even affect the draft of the structure, so it’s basically up to you which build method you want to subscribe to.
How Are We Different?
Backyard Flare construction plans use the same basic build method above the firebox from design to design. These chimneys appear different from the outside too. We have never had a draft problem, so we know we have a tried and true method of building that does not require a chimney flue, thus reducing the cost of the final structure.
I hope his
post has helped you out and that it has answered a few questions. Let us know if you have any further questions
and we will make every attempt to get you an answer. Thanks for reading and if you are wanting to
build a DIY outdoor fireplace, visit
for the best and most comprehensive DIY construction plans on the market. As I always say, happy building.
Hello all you DIYers and enthusiasts of backyard fireplace and transformation. I wanted to write a bit about one of our latest ventures, a corner Arizona outdoor fireplace with storage voids that I built at my in-law’s house in Arizona. The backyard isn’t huge, only about 30 feet deep from the back of the house to the back wall, so we decided to offset the fireplace in the corner to not block the mountain view.
Doesn’t Have to be Expensive!
The best
part of this whole build is that we really designed and built on a budget, building
as inexpensive as possible without substituting quality. In total, we spent just over $1,600, and that
included the poured concrete slab, lighting, and all finish work. It really is amazing at what you can build
and how cheap the overall cost can be when you enter the DIY world. So, let’s break it down.
The Backyard Fireplace Building Begins
Getting the slab poured is lots of fun. Use wire mesh or rebar in your concrete pour to add strength to the slab.Concrete is a dirty job but lots of fun at the same time.
We knew the footprint of the backyard fireplace so we worked with disturbing only that area. We excavated the site and prepared the ground for the concrete slab, using steel in the pour. Once the concrete cured for a few days, we began laying the block as per the construction plan, which showed literally where every block went. So easy! We established the entry point at the back of the structure for the low voltage lighting wire to come in and routed that wire through the structure.
We filled wooden jigs with concrete to create the arched lintels.
The storage
voids and firebox were arched and that was completed by building wood jigs,
supporting them in place, and pouring concrete into them to create the
lintels. The arches really made the
three openings come to life, so we are happy we made that decision.
Finish Work Decisions
Just an amazing night with family and friends.
When the rough
build was completed, we lined the firebox with firebrick in a stacked pattern to
change it up and covered the whole structure in smooth coat stucco. The stucco was then painted to match the
color of the house, so it tied everything in.
Almost all horizontal surfaces were covered in a gorgeous honey brown
flagstone that we chisel cut for a rustic edge.
The LED lighting was added to the front of the structure and inside each
storage void, where it was connected to the low voltage wire. We are so happy we made the decision to add
lights because it makes the whole structure come to life even when not in use.
Finished DIY outdoor backyard fireplace with painted stucco and brick patio
The patio spanning the front of our backyard fireplace was completed in a random pattern with colored concrete pavers. It sure made the whole sitting area complete, giving it a finished look. We have enjoyed the fireplace even through the summer with ambiance fires, so we’re not letting the warm nights slow us down. Sitting at a distance is the way we do it when it’s warm outside. Just make sure you and your guests have your drink of choice while you sit and relax.
Want to Build a Backyard Fireplace Too?
We hope you love our backyard fireplace and all of what we built as much as we do and that you are inspired to step into this as well. Backyard Flare, LLC is the leader in DIY outdoor fireplace construction plans. Whether you are an accomplished mason or someone who has NEVER worked with block and mortar, you can build our designs. Open the construction plan and begin building your own backyard fireplace. We are confident that you too can build a masterpiece, so get going on your design ideas.
You can do it!!! I remember receiving a phone call from Shelley who said she lived in New Jersey. Shelley explained to me that she was single, in her sixties, and that she lived on a piece of property that had a small creek running through it down the hill from her backyard. Shelley explained that she really wanted an outdoor fireplace but that she was super apprehensive about doing it herself. Because of the limited knowledge she had about masonry construction, Shelley was concerned with her age and ability to do the physical labor. I asked her some questions about her ability to lift and explained what the project would require.
Shelley Said Yes to the Outdoor Fireplace
We talked it through, and by the end, Shelley was ready to take on the challenge. A DIY outdoor fireplace does not have to be intimidating or seem out of the realm of possibility if you have the right tools, preparation, and a good plan. A construction plan that is…something that will take the guess work out of the project. If you are physically able to lift a 60-pound bag of mortar, or if you have someone who can do it for you, that’s the first step. If you’re willing to step into a work site with an open mind, then you too can do what Shelley did.
Talk about charming. This backyard patio was transformed into a great sitting destination.
Shelley built her very own DIY outdoor fireplace and although it was small, it made a huge impact in her backyard and it is definitely a focal point. Do you agree, and do you think you want to join the DIY world? She had us do some special design work to make the fireplace what she wanted. We angled the chimney on all sides and designed the firebox to be low on the structure, which gave it a neat look.
It Was Fun According to Shelley
The fireplace sits on the edge of the patio with the treeline in the background.
After building the structure, Shelley said that she took her time and didn’t push hard to get it done quickly. She said that if she could do it in her sixties, then anyone could do it. This is a testament that most people have the capability to do more than they truly think. There is an inner construction worker in most of us. Give your insecurities to us and let us provide you with a DIY construction plan. If you follow it, you to will be able to build a beautiful outdoor fireplace just like Shelley did.
Shelley built her first fire and started making memories.
If you are wanting to learn more about the process of building a DIY outdoor fireplace, visit us online at Backyard Flare. We know that you can do it and that we can help. A construction plan may be exactly what you need to overcome the fear of building so you can DIY too. Thanks so much for reading and we hope to hear from you soon. Leave a comment and let us know if you think you’re up for a DIY project.
An uncluttered and clean backyard is a welcoming backyard.
Okay, I’m going to get right into it today. Not need to beat around the bush here. Your backyard…and mine…needs help probably. Your backyard might be old, dated, tired, messy, and it needs a little “pick me up”, so why not get started? There are quite a few things that you can do that will make a HUGE difference and at the same time not break the bank. Here are 3 ways to improve the look of your backyard.
Start By Picking Up the Place
First, pick up the clutter. If you’re like most of us, you have odds and ends laying around. You may have a section of your yard that is dedicated to compiling the old car parts or the old bikes that haven’t been ridden in years. Chances are that if you haven’t needed them in the past year (or five) you won’t need them at all in the future. Collect them and put them on Craigslist so you can make a few bucks too. Just cleaning up a cluttered corner will make a huge difference.
Unsightly Patio or Deck?
A clean backyard draws you in for an extended stay.
Second, sweep up the patio or deck area of your yard and then look up. Are there spider webs hanging around the lighting fixtures or the underside of the patio cover? Take down those spider houses with a broom and make a change up high. Get a hose or high pressure sprayer and clean up the whole area that is attached to the house. This includes patios, brick work, decks, patio covers, and even the back of the house itself. You’ll be amazed at how much dirt your house holds onto. A quick wash down may bring the color back to your home’s exterior too.
Time to Pick and Trim
Cleaning low and high will make it look more inviting.
Lastly, pick the weeds growing in your flowers and trim your bushes and trees. The branches and clippings will usually take a while to get rid of if your garbage can isn’t big enough to handle a lot, but the yard will sure open up. Getting rid of low hanging branches and unwanted ground plants will make an immediate positive impact on the overall look of the yard.
The best part is that these three de-clutter and cleaning tasks are virtually free to do. They shouldn’t cost you any money, just a little time and sweat equity. In the end, you’ll have a nicer, cleaner, and more welcoming backyard area.
Who knows, your clean backyard may go on to inspire other projects. Start small and work your way up to a finished backyard sporting an outdoor fireplace or outdoor kitchen. You’ll love it in the end and you’ll marvel at the hidden gem that was under all that dirt and clutter.
Check Us Out
If you are interested in any construction plans for an outdoor fireplace or an outdoor kitchen, look no further than Backyard Flare. We specialize in easy to follow DIY construction plans that will take virtually all the guess work out of the build. Follow the plans, finish the structure, and begin relaxing in your backyard.
Call or text Dan at 520-269-9740 or email him at for additional info, special deals, and some fun discussion. As always, have fun and remember, happy building.
Blaine and Kristen are enjoying their outdoor fireplace.
Welcome back to my fellow DIY’ers and welcome to this edition of, “That Awesome DIY Fireplace” where we introduce a DIY homeowner, tell you what state they reside in, and show you how awesome they were at building their own outdoor fireplace.
Let’s go to the southeast, in beautiful Louisiana, to introduce homeowners Blaine and Kristen. Their backyard needed a little extra something and after a bit of thought, they decided to build an outdoor fireplace. Blaine and Kristen started their research online through Google searches and read a lot of material on outdoor fireplaces. While on one of their searches, they found Backyard Flare and decided to use the Pima II design, outdoor fireplace construction plan to build the fireplace.
Blaine’s World…Excellent
Area next to existing patio was excavated for the concrete extension.
Blaine and Kristen have a brick home with a grassy backyard surrounding a poured concrete patio. Blaine dug out dirt next to the patio and formed the area for the slab. Steel mesh was added inside the concrete pour and they successfully poured the slab extension. The extension concrete was added so the fireplace didn’t have to be built on the main patio concrete.
Finished concrete pad for their outdoor fireplace.
Getting the cinder blocks mortared in place.
Blaine and Kristen followed the Backyard Flare outdoor fireplace construction plans and hit it out of the ballpark with their newly found masonry skills. It really should be noted that Blaine and Kristen are not masons, nor have they worked a lot with cinder block and mortar. They just followed the outdoor fireplace plans and called Dan at Backyard Flare with questions here and there.
Time For Veneer Choices
The veneer and tile choices look great together.
After the cinder block was done, Blaine and Kristen decided on a real nice stacked stone veneer in a soothing gray tone. It turned out beautiful. For the horizontal surfaces like the seating and the mantel, they picked a tile with a complimenting tone, and because they had covered the seating surface with solid 2” tall cap block, there was a great flat surface for the tile work.
Kristen and their dog proudly stand next to the completed DIY project.
When it was all said and done, Blaine and Kristen added a fire grate in their firebox and started building fires. They immediately began building memories and are very happy with the final project. What’s next for them? Maybe an outdoor kitchen or pizza oven? Time will tell, but until then we’ll let them enjoy all their hard work on the fireplace.
Get the drinks ready for the first fire.
Where Can You Go?
We sure hope you like Blaine and Kristen’s Pima II outdoor fireplace and that it inspires you to think about one of these outdoor fireplaces in your backyard as well. It’s really not out of reach to achieve a stunning outdoor living space, so think about your potential. Blaine and Kristen proved that average homeowners can make it happen in the world of DIY. If you have the DIY mindset, we can help you achieve greatness. Backyard Flare has assisted hundreds of homeowners who are weekend DIY’ers, realize their potential to build outdoor fireplaces just like Blaine’s and Kristen’s, so you can do it too.
Thanks so much for reading about another great DIY outdoor fireplace build. We’ll bring you more soon, and as always …happy building.
Relaxing by the DIY gas fireplace during a dinner party.
The other day, my wife and I attended a dinner party at the home of a previous fireplace and pizza oven customer. We were able to spend some time outside enjoying the fireplace and just the awesomeness of the backyard. Homeowner Tom helped me build this structure, so this is technically a DIY build in a sense. Tom learned a lot and he was able to add lots of great value while we had a blast constructing his masterpiece.
Massive Structure Size
What an amazing and welcoming space in this backyard.
There is so much to his fireplace and pizza oven structure. To get started, the whole circular structure is a whopping 31 feet in diameter. It’s massive to say the least. It surrounds a seven-foot-wide natural gas fireplace. Inside the four-foot-wide firebox is an “H” pipe covered with bright red fire glass. The fire glass color is great because, if you look closely at the picture, it turns blueish purple when it heats up. Such a great look.
Fireplace is 7′ wide with the gas “H” pipe covered in red fire glass.
The front of the fireplace is covered with a great stone veneer and the remainder of the structure was stuccoed to match the texture on Tom’s house. The seating is all smoothed flagstone cut to match the curvature of the seat back wall. On the hearth, there are several low voltage lights that add that extra something. It looks amazing every night, whether there is a fire blazing away or not.
Pizza Anyone?
What an amazing backyard for parties and even some quiet time.
The left side of the structure holds the pizza oven built around a BrickWood Ovens DIY mold. It didn’t get any easier than that mold to build around and then wait until the mortar cured. The pizza oven is covered in stucco that is painted the same color as the rest of the structure.
To the left side of the pizza oven, we added a piece of polished granite, so Tom could roll out his pizza dough and prepare his pizzas. No need to run into the house every time, the counter is right there. Seeing how much Tom and his family has used the fireplace and pizza oven makes me smile that they are building lots of great memories. The parties with family and friends are a lot of fun and the quiet nights in front of the fire are special for them too.
Conversation and drinks around the DIY outdoor gas fireplace.
Check us Out
The view of the Tucson valley from this backyard is amazing.
If the idea of a fireplace and pizza oven sounds like something you would want to step into, there is a great place to go, Backyard Flare. You can look through the great design ideas and also figure out what you want in your backyard. Big or small, every fireplace structure looks great. We want you to begin living in your backyard again. What better way to start than by building your own fireplace and pizza oven?
If you have any questions about anything, please let me know. I am always excited to hear from a fellow DIYer, or someone wanting to learn. You can certainly do it yourself and beautify your backyard space. I can be reached at and as I always say, “Happy Building”.
Backyard Flare DIY fireplace customers are everywhere. We don’t just cater to the Tucson, Arizona area for our customer base. Our amazing customers are in warm, cool, and even frigid areas. In fact, they are all over the country and even abroad.
Cold is Upon Us
But, the cold weather is here and the country in a lot of places is already under a blanket of white. Oh my gosh, and it’s only just November, so there are a few months of cold left. Because of the weather, a good portion of the U.S. is unable to build in their backyards. There is no possibility of digging into the frozen rock-hard ground for the concrete slab foundation. There is no way to add water to mortar to lay blocks because it would be so unbearable to work with icy hands in that environment. You get the point. Some of you will have to wait, sorry.
It is great that we have a customer right down the street from Backyard Flare headquarters. Rob in Tucson found Backyard Flare online and contacted us for help building his outdoor DIY fireplace. When Rob realized we were right down the street, he asked for design help. I spoke with Rob and he introduced me to his backyard. He wanted a corner fireplace with gas and together we brainstormed some cool outdoor fireplace layouts. Rob decided to use the Douglas Mini design and morph it a bit to match his and his wife’s vision.
And the Process BEGAN
Rob’s DIY fireplace is visible from the driveway.
Rob started with his DIY fireplace and he had a lot of questions. All in all, he has done a fantastic job and I have visited his work site a few times to check in with him. As a husband, father of two small tykes, and a professional from Monday through Friday, Rob doesn’t have a lot of time during the week to work. He has spent the weekends building and has rocked the progress. It has taken him a couple months, but he can see that completion is close.
DIY Rob is Doing Great
Dusk has arrived and the fireplace is lit.
I went to see Rob’s DIY fireplace the other day again and it looks great. Rob is ready for firebrick, horizontal material, and his veneer. At that point he will be done. We hope you love it as much as we do with the gas setup, arched firebox, and the LED lighting he added. He told us he has never built with mortar and was skeptical as to his abilities, but he was happy he did it. He learned a lot and he realized that he was a lot more capable than he thought, especially with his construction plan from Backyard Flare.
The DIY fireplace is burning bright. The LED lighting is on adding that special look.
We will continue to bring you photos of his progress and we will definitely feature Rob and his finished fireplace in an upcoming blog post. If you think you are ready to step into a DIY outdoor fireplace build, like Rob, and are ready to transform your backyard, visit Backyard Flare and we can help. We know that you can do it, and, just like Rob, you just need a DIY construction plan to follow.
We Are Here For You Too
If you have any questions about anything, please let me know. I am always excited to hear from a fellow DIYer, or someone wanting to learn more about how to beautify their backyard space with a DIY fireplace. I can be reached at and as I always say, “Happy Building”.
Lighting was added to the hearth and inside the storage voids.
Killin’ Time
The other day, I had to drop my car at the tire shop and because I had a few minutes to spare, I walked across the busy street to some stores. As always, I was drawn to one of my favorite stores, Lowe’s Home Improvement, and I found myself standing in the outdoor lighting aisle. If I go to Lowe’s, I almost always want to at least walk down some of my favorite aisles to see if there is anything new on the shelf. This day was no exception.
I should back up a bit and say that whenever I build any type of structure in a backyard, whether it is an outdoor fireplace or outdoor kitchen, I always look for ways to spice up the final look. One of the things that I have written on in the past is my love for outdoor lighting. It just makes a backyard, and specifically, outdoor structures, come alive at night. The shadows created and the way things look in the dark with some light are just awesome.
Lighting was added above the firebox.
So, back to Lowe’s and the outdoor lighting aisle… In the past, if I needed lighting, I have just gone to the store and picked up what I needed to complete the lighting project. I have never shared with my audience how inexpensive it really is to add this great feature to your DIY outdoor fireplace or outdoor kitchen. Well, wait no more. Here we go.
This DIYer added lighting to the hearth and the sides of the fireplace.
Outdoor Lighting Components Explained
With most outdoor lighting, there are three main components involved. They are a power source, otherwise known as a power transformer, wire, and the lights. The transformer is a heavy cube that plugs into an outlet. Many of these transformers will turn on at dusk with photo eye technology and you simply tell it through a setting, how long you want the lights to stay on from that point. Pretty cool!
Four lights were added to this curved hearth.
The neat part is the lights will come on automatically and shut off automatically; no work for you. They come in different wattage’s starting from around 60W to several hundred watts. For powering a structure, the smallest will be completely sufficient, especially if you’re using LEDs. A 60W transformer will sell for around $50.
The wire will hook into the transformer with screws and the wire will snake through your structure’s block work. We’ll get into the install in a different post. The wire will transfer (Direct Current – DC) low voltage as the transformer’s output to the lights, so it won’t shock you any more than holding on to a flashlight battery. It’s nothing like the power from an outlet in your house. A 50’ length of this outdoor lighting wire will cost around $20.
LED Lighting Is awesome
Lastly, the lights. Today’s technology has put LED lighting at the forefront for efficiency, longevity, and amazing power savings. LED stands for light emitting diode. An LED is a small electronic component (diode) that will glow when power is applied. No more changing incandescent bulbs, right? Can I get an amen on that one?
This Catalina fireplace had lighting added to the hearth for a great look.
LED lighting fixtures are sold individually, and they can run anywhere from a few dollars on clearance to around $20 for each fixture. I add at least two LED fixtures to any structure, so it is aesthetically pleasing. Two is really all you need for a structure width of only six to eight feet. The LED fixtures will have power cord on them. This cord will connect to the wire and the connectors will pierce the wire to be powered. The best part is that each LED is around 2W to 4W so you could hook up to 30 of these 2W LEDs to a 60W transformer. Do you see the math? This is turning into an electronics training course now.
This DIY Tucson Grill design had lighting added around it for a finished look.
How Cheap is It Really?
If you were to add two LED lighting fixtures to a fireplace, you would be able to spend as little as $110. Now that’s a bargain when you consider the look you’ll achieve. I hope this post helped you understand how simple outdoor lighting is and how inexpensive the components are. It’s really not that complicated.
Check out Backyard Flare, LLC to learn more about building your own DIY outdoor fireplace or outdoor kitchen and peruse our gallery for great ideas in design. See what other homeowners have done.
If you have any questions about anything, please let me know. I am always excited to hear from a fellow DIYer, or someone wanting to learn more about how to beautify their backyard space. I can be reached at and as I always say, “Happy Building”.
Hello again all you fellow DIY’ers and welcome to this edition of, “That Awesome DIY Fireplace” where we introduce a DIY homeowner, tell you what state they reside in, and show you how awesome they were at building their own DIY outdoor fireplace.
Finished backyard party area complete with a DIY outdoor fireplace and outdoor pavilion, kitchen and bar.
Let’s go to the northeast, beautiful Pennsylvania, to introduce homeowner Mike. Mike had a very cool outdoor pavilion space with a long entertainment bar, bar stools, outdoor kitchen; and it was party central. To the side of that space, Mike had a bare corner concrete spot that begged for something like a fire structure. In April 2018, Mike visited, and picked his favorite design, the Phoenix fireplace. He wanted a smaller footprint for the fireplace structure but something big enough to not feel dwarfed by the surrounding features, which were trees and a wrought iron fence just outside the corner of the concrete slab.
Construction Starts
Rough build of Phoenix design DIY outdoor fireplace is done.
Mike started laying block, paying attention to the block layout and instructions of the construction plan. Before he knew it, Mike was a DIY mason who had never really tried to do a project of this caliber. Mike stated that he just needed a little bit of help and that the construction plan was what he needed to give him the confidence to start.
Mike kept a super clean work site and made sure he didn’t let the mortar remain on his concrete pad for very long. This made the final cleanup easier than it would have been, saving time and aggravation in the end.
Adding the Final Touches – Detail Work
When Mike was finished with the rough build, he started the lining of the firebox with firebrick. This process was pretty quick and before he knew it, Mike was ready for the final veneer material.
Mike finished his DIY outdoor Phoenix design fireplace. Getting ready for a party.
Mike chose to cover his outdoor fireplace with a stucco finish. Mike’s technique was to go with a smoother final finish. The seating was covered with dark stone material giving a great contrast to the white color of the structure.
Mike added a smoke arrestor to the top of the chimney to catch and extinguish embers that tried to escape from the top. With the fireplace facing right into the entryway of the outdoor pavilion, Mike’s party central area became even more stunning.
Mike added a very cool fire grate in the firebox and a piece of chain suspended metal art to the front of the fireplace. With a raging fire, behind the fire screen, it is just gorgeous.
Nighttime fire in Mike’s outdoor fireplace.
We Know Mike is Now a Mason
Mike told Backyard Flare, “your plans were fantastic”, and that he wasn’t a mason. We beg to differ and debate that last statement. We see what Mike did and with no previous masonry experience. Mike, you’re a mason now and we’re very proud to include you into the Backyard Flare DIY family.
We sure hope you like Mike’s fireplace and that it inspires you to think about one of these fireplaces in your backyard as well. It’s really not out of reach to achieve a stunning outdoor living space. Mike said he wasn’t a mason, but we know it’s just the unknown. We’ll help you through it. If you have the DIY mindset, we can help you achieve greatness. We have assisted hundreds of homeowners who are weekend DIY’ers, realize their potential to build fireplaces just like Mike’s. You can do it too.
Thanks so much for reading about another great DIY fireplace build. We’ll bring you more soon, and as always …happy building.